"The DRP can be considered in its wider context, as the culmination of 15 years of GEF assistance and a lynchpin of the Danube-Black Sea Strategic Partnership. It has been a highly successful project, and well-deserving in its characterisation as one of the flagship efforts under the GEF International Waters Focal Area. The adaptive strategy which saw an increasing focus on the WFD implementation was both reasonable and highly successful." (source: DRP Terminal Evaluation Report)
The activities of the DRP have been closed by the end of August 2007. However, this web-site will be operational to dissemminate the project results as well as it will serve as a source for lessons learned and inspiration for other projects.
If you want to learn more about the Danube Basin and the Project in a wider context, navigate to the 'Danube' and 'Project'. If you want to read more about technical issues and download the final reports, navigate through 'Activities'. If you are interested on more thematic overview on what the project achieved, search 'Themes'. In the section on 'News' you can read different stories from the Danube River Basin and our Project as well as see a photo-gallery from the Danube countries.
You may be interested to learn about the two important events in our project: DRP Final Seminar , followed-up with a High Level Ministerial Conference to adopt a new Water Protection Declaration, in Bucharest, February 2007.